Life continues on as we are now living under a "Shelter in Place" order. We're still homeschooling, enjoying the early Spring weather, and baking a lot of oatmeal raisin cookies. In so many ways life really hasn't changed that much, and yet I'm reminded of the intensity of this time every time I put my mask on to grocery shop or plan an Easter without extended family.
The bright side of this tumult is we are spending special quality time together as a family. We are blowing bubbles with Spring snow on the ground, taking morning walks around our land to watch the emerging crocuses, see the first leaf buds on bare trees, and finding beetles crawling out of hibernation. Perhaps we're paying more attention to the gradual warming of Spring because all of our attention is turned inward, towards home and family. In so many ways I am cherishing this time of togetherness and giving thanks everyday for my many blessings.
Lately, I've enjoyed making rosaries. I've made two with beautiful gemstones and copper wire. One has gone to Ben and the other is for me. A good reminder of trust, shared suffering, patience, and Divine Love.
I'm currently finishing a Spring sweater for River using the Sunday Sweater pattern, which I've knitted before and loved. It's interesting enough to keep my attention, but easy enough that I can still school the children while knitting. Only the sleeves are left, then it's blocking and buttons.
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