
New book for River, "A Time to Keep" by Tasha Tudor.  The pictures are so lovely

New book for Roan, "The Adventures of Geraldine Woolkins".  He loved it and finished it that day.

We made mosaics with the leftover dyed eggshells.  Super fun!

If you ask my children which holiday is their favorite they will enthusiastically tell you Easter.  We don't do much in the way of gifts or Easter baskets, but that's ok because their favorite part is the scavenger and egg hunt.  We make clues that take them all around the house (and outside of it) in search of their Easter basket.  Once that has been found it's on to an egg hunt.  We only fill the eggs with a couple of M&Ms each, but they just love finding the eggs.  Last year they wanted to rehide the eggs after it was all over so this year we made it a little more difficult.  The fun lasted a couple of hours, and in fact one egg wasn't found until the next day. 

The rest of the day was slow and happy.  We read new books, enjoyed Mass online (the homily was wonderful), and ate chocolate chip pancakes for lunch.  Bed was too late considering they woke up at 5:30am very exciting to get started finding eggs, but that's what holidays are for. 

The following day, Roan informed me that Easter really lasted all week and we shouldn't do school (Ha!).  Ben agreed with him so we settled for making felt rocks and engineering ziplines and finishing the chocolate in the eggs.  Of course, they aren't used to that much sugar and were sleep deprived so things got teary by the end of the day.  But they were all smiles the next day so no harm done. 

All in all a great Easter in quarantine.  Now if only the weather would warm up! 


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